GAB Workshops
> Looking for an activity for your book club or church group?
Try a GAB workshop!
> Would you like to attract visitors to your local history museum or bookstore?
Consider hosting a GAB workshop!
> Do you want to increase intercultural understanding among members of your culturally diverse organization? Let’s give them an opportunity to share childhood stories and cultural traditions!
Centered on a single theme, GAB workshops introduce activities designed to help participants shed the butterflies, dig into long-forgotten memories, begin writing, and discover the fun of exchanging life vignettes. The experience of reading and hearing life-story snippets energizes participants and connects them in new ways. Workshops are a delightful way to spend a morning or afternoon and to encourage community. They…
…generally last 2 to 3 hours
…can take place just about anywhere: in a library, bookstore, school, museum, historical society, woman’s club, faith community, country club, community center, apartment or condo clubhouse, private home, etc.
Here is a sampling of workshop themes:
Life-story writing: Getting started
Growing up in _______ (Local historical societies might use this theme to elicit remembrances from area residents)
Holiday memories
Times shared: A Love Letter to My Grandchildren (or Children)
Treasured Object
Forks in the Road
My Life’s Work
Smell Memories
Autumn Memories
Faded Photo
If These Walls Could Talk
Family Traditions & Recipes
Do you have an idea for a GAB workshop that you’d like to explore?